Sunday, September 14, 2014

Introducing the XBook ONE | PS3Hax Network

First of let me start by saying NO that is not a typo and NO this is not a knock off. Its an Xbox One laptop case mod.

Known laptop mod maker Ed Zarick has managed to shy away from making 360 laptops by making an Xbox One laptop, and he’ll make you one…. if you’ve got the money for it.

Some features about the hardware according to the source include:

This is the “Xbook One,” comprising a 22-inch Vizio 1080p LED monitor, a slot-loading front-facing disc drive, and 3D-printed components. Zarick stresses no enhancements have been made to the Xbox One but, of course, modifiying its hardware in this way completely voids the unit’s warranty.

The Xbook One will work with a Kinect sensor (not shown here.)

So, how do you feel. I for one am all about the portability but for some people the concept is lost. sound off below.



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