Thursday, September 25, 2014

Next Generation Gaming Xbox 360 Kinect | Gaming

The time when gamers just sat glued to the couch is now over with the release of the Xbox 360 Kinect as this gaming console connects you with the game like none other! It’s time you got done with the consoles and gadgets for gaming that were used for such a long time since gaming first came into existence and took control of the game by yourself, you become the console, and your body becomes the gadget. The next generation gaming with the Xbox 360 Kinect gives a gaming experience such that you will never want to use consoles ever again! This works not only for games but also for movies and music as well. Imagine a world where you can control everything around you with just the movement of your hand or with your voice; this world in now a reality with the Kinect.

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The Kinect uses motion sensor to trace all the movements of your body parts, from head to toe, and use it in the virtual environment. The skeletal tracking allows the creation of your digital structure and its usage in the game to correspond to your real time movements. The face recognition automatically takes you to your profile and eases the synchronization process. The voice recognition is able to identify your voice uniquely from all the other sounds and respond so that you can control movies, music and others with just your voice. This revolutionary console will alter how we interact with the digital world bringing gaming to a whole new level!


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